Sustainable Development

At Niblack, Responsible Mineral Development is a core value. Heatherdale is committed to working shoulder to shoulder with stakeholders to achieve the responsible development of all its projects, and to contribute to the sustainable development of the communities in which it works.

All activities are guided by the following principles:

Health and Safety
We operate in a responsible manner so that our activities protect the health and safety of our employees and contractors, and of the communities in which we work.
Stakeholder Engagement
We engage with governments, communities, indigenous peoples, organizations, groups and individuals on the basis of respect, fairness, transparency, and meaningful consultation and participation.
Community Development
We establish productive local partnerships to contribute to achieving development goals identified by communities in which we work, to address local priorities and concerns, and to ensure communities derive substantive benefits from our activities.
Environment and Society
We apply environmental and social best management practices in the planning, design and implementation of our activities, from exploration through to closure of our mining operations. We meet or exceed regulatory requirements in the jurisdictions in which we work.
Resource Use
We use land, water and energy resources responsibly; strive to maintain the integrity and diversity of ecological systems; and apply integrated approaches to land use.
Human Rights
We respect human rights principles, as well as local cultures, customs and values, in our dealings with employees, communities and other stakeholders.
Labour Conditions
We provide fair treatment, non-discrimination and equal opportunity for our employees, and comply with labour and employment laws in the jurisdictions in which we work. We strive for excellence in relations between management and employees

Heatherdale integrates these Principles of Responsible Mineral Development within corporate management and decision-making, and works to continually improve performance. From project acquisitions and exploration through to mine closure, Heatherdale assess the financial, social and environmental benefits and risks of business decisions. Activities are consistent with international standards, codes and practices that relate to mineral development around the world.

The Niblack Project has established a local hire and procurement strategy and developed an early-stage commercial partnership with a Prince of Wales Island-based Alaska Native Corporation. Also, in 2008, Niblack was awarded the Alaska Commissioners Award for its social and environmental performance. The Niblack Project has been fortunate to receive widespread interest and support from all levels of government and communities throughout SE Alaska. Heatherdale has actively engaged with stakeholders on Prince of Wales Island and throughout the region, and established an early stage partnership with POWTEC to provide environmental, logistical and employment services at Niblack. Additionally, Alaska's Governor and Congressional Delegation have all actively supported the efforts of Heatherdale to design and permit an environmentally sound and socially responsible mine at Niblack.

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